Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Obtaining Government Funding For Medical Equipment & Supplies

Submitted by Carolyn Corp, 
Community Outreach Coordinator at Motion Specialties 

Hello Ladies:

Yes, there is funding available for some medical equipment and supplies from the government but how one applies for it continues to be a mystery.  There is also funding for Breast Prosthesis and CPAP equipment.  Because the business I work for specializes in Mobility Devices, Breast Prosthesis and CPAP and are the experts on how to obtain funding we feel an obligation to educate the community on the process.

The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) is a program operated by the Ontario Ministry of Health which provides funding for persons requiring mobility devices.  ADP contributes to covering the costs of items such as walkers, scooters, wheelchairs and specialized Seating. 

ADP provides assistance to anyone with OHIP who needs mobility equipment for more than six months.  The price of the mobility equipment will be the same no matter where you are located in Ontario.  The price of these devices is already determined by the Ministry of Health. 

The Assistive Devices Program requires that you have an assessment done by a therapist who is authorized by ADP to fill in the application.  My company can assist you in finding a therapist if you need help.  Assessments will take place right in your home.  At the assessment, the therapist will assess your condition and will determine how you will benefit from a mobility device and which mobility device will fit the needs of your lifestyle best.  They will determine the size, model and features of the equipment.  We will provide the mobility equipment necessary for the assessment followed by a free equipment trial as part of our service.

After the therapist has determined that you are eligible, they will fill out the ADP application form, you will sign it and the therapist will mail it to ADP.  ADP will review your application and ensure you are eligible for funding.   When your application is approved ADP will notify your therapist and the medical equipment company you’re working with, the exact amount of their contribution.  In most cases, ADP pays 75% of an approved price and you are responsible for the other 25%.

ADP also provides a grant for external silicone breast prosthesis.  Any permanent resident of Ontario with a valid health card who has had a mastectomy, or a lumpectomy or was born with a deformity of one or both breasts, is eligible.  You may download and print the application form on their website:  Complete the form and mail the original to ADP with your signature.  If funding is approved you will receive $195.00 for one full breast prosthesis or if you require two full prostheses, you will receive $390.00.  If you require one partial breast prosthesis you will receive $105.00 and if you require two, you will receive $210.00.  Should the supplier you choose has a retail price higher than your grant, you are responsible for the difference so I recommend you shop around to find the most experienced fitters with the best possible pricing.  You will be amazed at the difference in pricing of prosthesis and bras.

ADP also pays for CPAP equipment for people who have a valid health card and who have been diagnosed by a sleep physician as having obstructive sleep apnea.  To begin the process, you need a referral to a sleep lab signed by your family physician.  If you meet the ADP medical eligibility criteria and your sleep physician confirms you have obstructive sleep apnea, an Application Respiratory Equipment and Supplies form will be completed.  ADP will pay 75% of the ADP approved price and you will be charged the remaining 25%.  You obtain your CPAP equipment from a respiratory vendor registered with ADP.  As a registered vendor, we will provide you with training and education on the effective use, care and maintenance of your CPAP device.  We will also determine if the basic mask and headgear if appropriate for you.  Appointments must be made in advance to meet with a respiratory therapist. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.  Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak with me at a WBN meeting or give me a call.

Carolyn Corp, 
Community Outreach Coordinator
Motion Specialties
705 930 6660